Changes in life have to come from within...
I was only there for about 4 months before I decided that I missed home, friends and the guy I was kinda/sorta dating. I decided at Thanksgiving to give my notice and head back to CO after Christmas.
I knew then and there that it wasn't what I was supposed to do. I needed to stay in Texas. I needed to be there and to be apart of the life there. I needed to remain where I was at for longer, but didn't heed to the promptings.
The day before the move, my sister came into town to drive back up with me. I decided to take her around Dallas and show her some of the sites. We went to the mall, ate at the big McDonald's and saw us some good Texas men. On the drive home, a sensor on my car goes out. Luckily, an exit away from the car shop of a guy I had worked with. We towed the car in, got it fixed and went back to my house to start packing.
All night I had this sick feeling that I shouldn't be leaving, but just shrugged it off. The next morning, my sister and I got in my little PT Cruiser and set off for Colorado. We left around 3pm and got into Denver 13 hours later (barely got in.. I drove the whole way). Then the trouble started. I was living with family, but still had bills to pay. I was able to work with my sister as a personal assistant. The lady was a bitch and I left. I landed a temp nanny job and that paid bills for a month. In March, I was starting to panic. I got a prompting to apply at Target- so I did! I was hired on and started 2 weeks later.
I loved that job, but was persistant on finding another nanny job. I had so much fun doing it year before that I knew that was where I wanted to be. In June, I was accepted for a position with a widow and her 3 children. She worked 24 shifts, which meant that I was a live-in nanny. At $1200 a month- why not? I learned around October that I was being taken advantage of. I was not being paid for overtime, and was not being paid for extra duties put onto me. November 15th I gave her my notice that I was to leave at the end of the year. December 26th was my last day. I did get a chance to meet the new nanny, and feel guilty for leaving- but I know it was for the best.
Ever since December I have been struggling to find work. I found work part-time at Home Depot but it isn't at all fullfilling. I don't get enough hours to pay for any bills, but at least it is some money coming in, right? I am now looking for nanny and Medical Billing jobs.
I have had a desire to go back to Texas ever since I left. I just know that there is where I need to be. The hard part for me is that I live in Denver and am applying for jobs in Dallas. I have stated with everyone that I apply for that I can start work in as little as a week. I really don't have a lot of posessions, and can move everything I own in the back of my Vitara.
But I am seeing that I have a problem with that- leaving.. moving. When times get hard, I would rather run away than face my problems. That is happening now. I am in a not so ideal situation and I want to run. I want to escape and use the hope that things will be better as my ammo. I know that I need to stay here in CO and face my issues. I need to find out who I am and step up to the task at hand.
The Storm has stopped..

I have found another reason to fuel my drive to move back to Dallas- I hate the cold! I crank the heat up to 75 and just wait for the warmth to take over!! I want to go out and not have to put on 16 layers of clothing just to have my toes frozen!!
I love snow, but this is just crazy!

(I was able to get a couple of pictures on my camera, but left the cord to put them on the computer at my parents' house!

<--- This is the toolbox out on the porch. Right now the snow on top measures in at 8.5" (yes, it was measured)!! And that isn't even the wind-blown stuff!
Lazy Monday
Here I go!
In the past 10 years life has changed a lot. This June marks the 10 year point of when I first moved away from home. I say first, because I keep going back! I moved to Franktown, CO to nanny for 2 girls. I stayed with that family for 2 years before a lack of communication caused them to hire a new nanny. They were 5 and 7 when I started... and now both are teenagers in high school! I made a lot of mistakes those 2 years trying to figure out myself without family or real friends around.
After my nanny job was over, I decided to move back to Kennewick and just live life. A few months after living there, I met a wonderful man (even though he is a Kennewick High grad) and fell in love. On September 1, 2001 we eloped to Couer D'Alene. Literally, just the two of us and a reverend!
On May 7, 2002 we welcomed our little Ladybug- Kira Elise. She was only 3 days overdue, but weighed in at 9 lbs, 8oz and 22" long!! We moved to Phoenix in 2003 and I really enjoyed the heat! We had a pool in the back yard and with it a hot tub, that we kept cold so that Kira could have her own little pool. We were involved in playgroups, went to the library all the time and just had a blast together. I loved being a stay-at-home mom, and was teased at the joy that it brings!
In 2005, my husband and I decided that it would be best to live life seperate ways and we filed for divorce. He and Kira stayed in AZ and I moved to CO where my parents had just moved. Being back in Colorado was the best thing. I have been here off and on since and LOVE it here. Kira's dad has since remarried and they are now living in Kennewick and run a cattle farm. They have their own daughter together, Ryleigh.
<--- First grade picture- isn't she cute?
As for my family:

Bekah is 19 and attending college in Alamosa, CO at Adams State College. She is a freshman there and just loves being there. It's only a 4 hour drive, and comes up to visit as often as she can.

Mom and dad are doing great as well. They live in Parker, CO. My mom is a substitute teacher for Douglas County schools and loves it. My dad works for Boeing in Aurora and is enjoying it.
Not much else to catch up on. I'll try to do these as often as I can!