About Me

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Portland, OR, United States
Read my blogs and learn a little more about me!



Wedding Pictures are here!!!

It's been sometime coming- but a couple of the pictures are here!!

<---- The Family (his mom and son, my parents)

My dad walking me down the "aisle":

Our first pictures together:

My grandma ROCKS!! I was so happy she could be there!!


I never, ever want twins!

So, I started to watch Nola when she was 7 weeks old. She's a doll!! She sleeps all day, is smiling when she is awake! I love it!

Something has changed this week. I now watch another little girl- Sadie. I only watch her 10 hours a week, but those are the longest 10 hours of my week. This kid is whiney, and it's so... annoying. She sleeps for 2 hours a day, so that's not bad. And she is a very active 9 month old. It's kind of nice that Sadie and Nola are on different sleep schedules. Nola goes down for a nap just before Sadie is dropped off- smart kid! By the time it's Sadie's turn to go down for her nap, Nola is up and ready to eat.

I guess it's not as bad as I thought.. could be worse! They could both need my attention at the same time. That day will come, and I'm not looking forward to it! Ugh!