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Portland, OR, United States
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Our Christmas Letter 2009

Fortitude and French Fries
The 1st Annual Gallegos Family Newsletter
Vol. 00110001

We could not be happier to see this year come to an end. Excluding the good parts, it was a pretty bad year. To start the year off we saw the end of Communism as we know it, found out Superman is a fraud, and were forced to live on glass and angel food cake through July in a padded basement. In early April a dingo ate the baby.
May 22nd we celebrated our misfortune and lack of creative problem solving by eloping in Durango, CO. It was a beautiful wedding that received Chuck Norris’ thumbs up. Afterward, we spent our honeymoon in the ceremonial running of the Zombies, and hunting cod in the cold north Atlantic seas. That was until we were boarded by a lovely band of pirates, who forced us to play Shuffleboard and Yahtzee. After walking the plank 4 days later, we caught a ride on a local trash freighter back into New York City and hitchhiked back to Denver to start our lives together.
We spent much of our summer learning that the world isn’t what we thought it would be in our pre-mortal lives. The toughest days came shortly after we learned neither of us is the heir to the Narnian throne. After expecting to inherit the kingdom we’ve accepted we’ll have to settle for a robust 401(K) and leftover lottery winnings. After that, not getting a golden ticket, or getting picked for Survivor-Orlando left no more than a residual bad taste in our mouths.
Fortunately for us, Ben finally got his lazy butt off the couch and found a character building job as a taste tester for Clorox. Shortly after, Sarah lost her job at the strip club and is now desperately seeking more demeaning employment. With any luck Rico will find her a good corner that’s close to home.
So, that about sums up our crazy year. Nothing more could have gone wrong this year, except maybe learning one of us is a minority. After suffering through 2009 we both look forward to 2010, the year of Polka, Pixies and Poltergeists.

First Day of Winter- and it's 50 out!

I live in Colorado where there should be a few feet of snow on the ground a Christmas time. But no, it is a high of 47 today and I am in a short sleeved shirt. They are saying we will have a white Christmas- I doubt it. Actually, I hope not. I have to drive to my parents' house Christmas Eve and then again Christmas morning. It's only a 20 minute drive, but Coloradans can't drive in snow.

Either way- it's time to mail out the Christmas cards (which I may say turned out really good), make the goodies (gonna do that tomorrow) and spend money you don't have on people you don't really know (like the mail lady or your personal trainer).
My favorite part- the days after Christmas! It's when I do all of my decoration shopping for the next year. I'm hoping to get a pre-lit tree and a new tree skirt this year. Wish me luck!


What a month!!

Time to update this thing.

Just to recap the last month. We have moved to Englewood, CO into the cutest little apartment. Unfortunately, the walls are thin and we've already had issues with a loud tv directly below where we sleep. We have met a couple of the neighbors and really don't mind it here. The location is good and having friends over is more frequent. Not the dream I originally thought, but still better than the last place overall.

The new ward that we are in is amazing. It's a lot of younger people who are just starting out in life like us. There are a couple that I know from my old YSA ward in Parker, and a few that Ben knows too! Our bishop is amazing and very supportive. He even had me and Ben give talks this last Sunday! Mine was on "Hymns" and Ben's was on "The Priesthood in the Home". I haven't given a talk in over 15 years, and was rather excited to do it.

What a dream life right now. Married me a wonderful man, I am back in church, we have goals of going to the temple. Other than the fact that I can't get a full-time job, things are ok.

I was going to write more, but since this is now going to be a daily thing (as suggested by my bishop), I'll keep today's short.

Bottom line, life is good. Very good. Busy, busy week ahead!