While driving this morning, I have some to the realization that there are a few things I wouldn't mind receiving from Ben, family and friends for Christmas. I know it's kind of weird to do this, but it will probably just end up being a list for myself to know what to buy myself if it's not in my stocking. Here's the list:
1. Headphones (Ben is using mine and I do NOT want them back- ear gunk, nasty)
2. Kitchenaid Stand Mixer (in white)
3. Nikon or Canon Digital SLR camera
4. Gift certificates to either Joann Fabrics or Michael's Crafts
5. iPhone (3,4, or 4s)
6. Ironing Board
7. Sewing Machine with carrying case
8. iPod Nano
9. Membership to Crunch (or a walking buddy if headphones are not purchased)
10. "Angels" perfume from Victoria's Secret
11. 36" Plasma
12. Scarves (I like knitted ones)
13. "Sarah's Key" on DVD (not out yet...)
14. Wii and Wii Fit
15. New Purse
16. Yoga Mat (mine is in Colorado)
17. Reusable bags (like the kind for carrying groceries, etc)
18. Personalized Hot Cocoa mug (larger than coffee mugs)
19. Membership to a "Fruit of the Month" club
20. COOKBOOKS! (I love, love cookbooks!)
21. This: http://gifts.redenvelope.com/productdetail.aspx?cobrand=RED&pid=30009225&ssid=4&REF=REDFeedGiftscom_30009225&mr:referralID=3c381497-192a-11e1-931b-001b2166c2c0
22. Piano or keyboard
23. Cuisinart Soup Maker Blender http://www.crateandbarrel.com/kitchen-and-food/blenders/cuisinart-soup-maker-blender/s332562
Thanks, Pinterest!
I'm Thankful For...
Thanksgiving is coming up, so in the month of November I will come to this post and write one thing I am thankful for every day of the month (and include a photo if I have one).
11/1: I am thankful for my amazing daughter, Kira. She has made me want to be a better person.
She amazes me week to week on her ability to be a better person. 11/2: I am thankful for a supportive husband who loves me no matter what stupidness I do.
11/3: I am thankful for a family that, despite our mileage and distance, I am still very close with. 11/4: I am thankful for amazing friends that have lasted through the years. So excited to get to see some of them tomorrow night!!
11/5: I am thankful for my wonderful sister, Rachel (see photo above). I love having such an incredible person for a sister!!
11/6: I am thankful for amazing employers who understand that I truly do care for their children almost as much as they do! I really am blessed to be shown what it's like to be appreciated as an employee. 11/7: I am thankful for Facebook. It may sound silly, but without it I wouldn't be in contact with so many people that are still in my hometown.
11/8: I am thankful for the friends in my life have been there through all the crud over the last 10 years. You know who you are.
11/9: I am thankful for central heat and air. 11/10: I am thankful for multi-billion dollar satellites that allow my husband and friends to find tupperware in the middle of forests and along roads (also known as Geocaching).
11/11: I am thankful for all the men and women who have served in the United States Military branches.
11/12: I am thankful for great customer service. I went to Les Schwab Tires to get tires rotated and was told 2 tires were bald (I knew that). They found 2 used tires and then charged half-price!
11/13: I am thankful for an amazing mom who taught me the basics in life- how to sort laundry, make cookies and cook basic meals. I LOVE YOU, MOM!!
(see photo of "dinner in a pumpkin" that I made) 11/14: I am thankful for leaves that change into amazing colors of yellows, reds and oranges. They make me smile.
11/15: I am thankful for electricity. Our power was out for about 6 hours yesterday. I didn't realize how much I rely on it! It was COLD in here!
11/16: I am thankful for little boys that smile! Baby Ty is now 2 months old and is a very, very happy baby! 11/17: I am thankful for a clean bill of health! I may not look like it on the outside, but on the inside I am healthy. I may not be able to run a mile, but my ultrasound and mammogram show I am very normal!
11/18: I am thankful for young children. Per the 3 year-old I babysit, "I don't need to learn sports, cause I'm going to be a mommy when I grow up".
11/19: I am thankful for Pinterest and the inspiration that website has given me. I now have a hobby and a cheap way to make holiday gifts!
(see picture of my messy table) 11/20: I am thankful for Eddie, my goofball of a dog. Today we decided that he was just not meant to stay with our family, and decided to place him with a friend that could provide a house for him to bark in and a yard to run around in. It was so sad to see him go, but I love that we can go see him whenever we want. Elway has been a little down too. We miss our Eddie!
11/21: I am thankful for the many blessings we have seen over the past year. When we needed a place to stay, friends and family opened up their doors. When we needed food, again friends, family and church opened up and allowed us food. When we realized that we had to either pay rent or pay our bills, we somehow came up with a way to pay for both. It's been very rough for us, but I know that life is starting to look up! 11/22: I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who provides the Pacific Northwest with all of this rain! 11/23: I am thankful for technology! Can you imagine life without your cell phone, laptop, gaming console and TV?! Insane! 11/24: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I am thankful for new friends in new places! Spent the morning watching football followed by dinner with friends from church. Was great having a place to have dinner!
11/25: I am thankful for conversations with old friends. Spent the day in Kennewick so I could go see my dearest friend in the world, Chrystal. It was fun seeing her and just chatting about nothing! I finally got to meet her little man, Coleman (now 3) and her oldest, CrisAngel (now 12). Man how time flies!
11/26: I am thankful for not having children of my own that live with me at this time. I know that I get upset that I can't get pregnant, but I am coming to the realization that having a child right now would just be one more stress in life. I appreciate being a nanny and knowing at the end of the day I can come home to a quiet house. I appreciate being able to just do what I want, to a point, and not have the stress that comes with kids. I go to the ob/gyn to start on birth control soon to no longer have the stress of "are we pregnant" in our lives.
11/27: I am thankful to be a member of an amazing church. I love that no matter where I go in the country, the lessons are the same as well as the people and values taught.
11/28: I am thankful for the people who have submitted their bodies to science so that my husband and I can come and stare at your muscles in amazement. (Body Worlds at OMSI for date night)
11/29: I am thankful for the roof over my head and the food in my belly. It's been rough financially these last few months, but we are making it (not sure how, but we are!).
11/30: I am thankful for all of the blessings in my life. This has been a fantastic month and no matter how much I may complain about everything going on, I am blessed and happy to be me. I have so many good things that outweigh all the bad!
Now onto Christmas!!
11/1: I am thankful for my amazing daughter, Kira. She has made me want to be a better person.

11/6: I am thankful for amazing employers who understand that I truly do care for their children almost as much as they do! I really am blessed to be shown what it's like to be appreciated as an employee. 11/7: I am thankful for Facebook. It may sound silly, but without it I wouldn't be in contact with so many people that are still in my hometown.
11/8: I am thankful for the friends in my life have been there through all the crud over the last 10 years. You know who you are.
11/9: I am thankful for central heat and air. 11/10: I am thankful for multi-billion dollar satellites that allow my husband and friends to find tupperware in the middle of forests and along roads (also known as Geocaching).
11/11: I am thankful for all the men and women who have served in the United States Military branches.
11/12: I am thankful for great customer service. I went to Les Schwab Tires to get tires rotated and was told 2 tires were bald (I knew that). They found 2 used tires and then charged half-price!
11/13: I am thankful for an amazing mom who taught me the basics in life- how to sort laundry, make cookies and cook basic meals. I LOVE YOU, MOM!!

11/15: I am thankful for electricity. Our power was out for about 6 hours yesterday. I didn't realize how much I rely on it! It was COLD in here!
11/16: I am thankful for little boys that smile! Baby Ty is now 2 months old and is a very, very happy baby! 11/17: I am thankful for a clean bill of health! I may not look like it on the outside, but on the inside I am healthy. I may not be able to run a mile, but my ultrasound and mammogram show I am very normal!
11/18: I am thankful for young children. Per the 3 year-old I babysit, "I don't need to learn sports, cause I'm going to be a mommy when I grow up".
11/19: I am thankful for Pinterest and the inspiration that website has given me. I now have a hobby and a cheap way to make holiday gifts!

11/26: I am thankful for not having children of my own that live with me at this time. I know that I get upset that I can't get pregnant, but I am coming to the realization that having a child right now would just be one more stress in life. I appreciate being a nanny and knowing at the end of the day I can come home to a quiet house. I appreciate being able to just do what I want, to a point, and not have the stress that comes with kids. I go to the ob/gyn to start on birth control soon to no longer have the stress of "are we pregnant" in our lives.
11/27: I am thankful to be a member of an amazing church. I love that no matter where I go in the country, the lessons are the same as well as the people and values taught.
11/28: I am thankful for the people who have submitted their bodies to science so that my husband and I can come and stare at your muscles in amazement. (Body Worlds at OMSI for date night)
11/29: I am thankful for the roof over my head and the food in my belly. It's been rough financially these last few months, but we are making it (not sure how, but we are!).
11/30: I am thankful for all of the blessings in my life. This has been a fantastic month and no matter how much I may complain about everything going on, I am blessed and happy to be me. I have so many good things that outweigh all the bad!
Now onto Christmas!!
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