Ben and I worked a lot the last month and were able to buy a few gifts for each other. Biggest gift was the Wii that was given by my employers that just didn't use it anymore. We've decided that with it, we'll get rid of our cable and spend time on the Wii instead. Plus, it will save us $45 a month!! We were able to sell our Yakima rail system on craigslist and used the money from that for Christmas gifts for each other. I got what I wanted, Ben got what he needed. It's been a very humble Christmas. The tree above is one that I made because we couldn't afford to get a real tree like we had planned. Actually, we had a friend that was going to give us a tree, but we couldn't afford the tree stand! How ironic is that?
Needless to say, I will be packing up the decorations tomorrow. I feel no more need to have them up now that presents have been opened. Ben is working all day Christmas Day, and I will stop by my employers' home to give them their gifts.
Here's a picture of our fancy decorations that are up in our apartment:

Hope that your Christmas is a little more Merry than ours. Here's to a new year with new hopes and expectations!