So there I was in shock. My baby was in an accident? What hospital? Where? It had to be close!
So I said, "I just saw Kira 30 minutes ago at Wal-Mart. Nonny had parked next to us and she was in the car."
Step-mom just fell apart. She had been calling Nonny over and over and over. Voicemail always picked up and she wasn't answering. Within 5 minutes of learning that my daughter was ok, she walked through the door. My ex stepped outside and had a "talk" with his mom about all the things she did wrong.
It all started because my lovely daughter lied. She had told Nonny that she had asked her step-mom for permission to go when she hadn't.
The simple fact that they had parked in the parking spot next to us wasn't coincidence. It was again proof that God does have a plan for us. I hate to get all preachy, but it's true.
Coincidence? I think not!
This past weekend I took a little road trip with the husband and pooch to Kennewick, WA for a visit with my daughter and a friend's wedding reception.
Every time I go there in the fall, I stop by the Wal-Mart on the way out and see if they have any shirts from my high school (GO BRAVES!). On Saturday, I happened to stop after lunch. It was to be a quick trip- grab shirts and go. I ended up kind of wandering around and then we headed out.
When we got back to the car, I heard a little girl say, "Hi." I didn't react at first and then I turned around.. it was my daughter! She was out running errands with her grandma and was staying in the car with the dog. What a small world! I was gonig to go see her at her house just after that, so we kept it short, gave kisses and hugs and "I love you"s and I took off.
Fast forward 30 minutes.
I walk into her house, seeing her step mom in tears and hear her say, "I'm wondering if anyone has been brought into the ER from an car accident. It would be an older woman named {Grandma} and a 10 year-old girl."
My jaw dropped.. I had just seen my baby 30 minutes before!! What was going on?!
(to be continued...)
Every time I go there in the fall, I stop by the Wal-Mart on the way out and see if they have any shirts from my high school (GO BRAVES!). On Saturday, I happened to stop after lunch. It was to be a quick trip- grab shirts and go. I ended up kind of wandering around and then we headed out.
When we got back to the car, I heard a little girl say, "Hi." I didn't react at first and then I turned around.. it was my daughter! She was out running errands with her grandma and was staying in the car with the dog. What a small world! I was gonig to go see her at her house just after that, so we kept it short, gave kisses and hugs and "I love you"s and I took off.
Fast forward 30 minutes.
I walk into her house, seeing her step mom in tears and hear her say, "I'm wondering if anyone has been brought into the ER from an car accident. It would be an older woman named {Grandma} and a 10 year-old girl."
My jaw dropped.. I had just seen my baby 30 minutes before!! What was going on?!
(to be continued...)
Thanks, Pinterest!
If you haven't heard or used Pinterest- you are in the dark. It's an amazing site full of ideas and tips and all kinds of other stuff.
The one thing I have wanted to to is refinish an UGLY old dresser that we've had since we got here. When we bought our new bedroom set, it was put into the guest room to hide.
I had the paint and had a plan. I was going to fix the drawers, sand it, paint it, varnish it and make it pretty. Here's what's been done so far:
The one thing I have wanted to to is refinish an UGLY old dresser that we've had since we got here. When we bought our new bedroom set, it was put into the guest room to hide.
I had the paint and had a plan. I was going to fix the drawers, sand it, paint it, varnish it and make it pretty. Here's what's been done so far:
More Geocaching Adventures!

I have been to this park one other time, but never like this. Placed in the park are 8 new letterboxes which were placed by a friend that volunteers there. Amazing views and sights on a crisp, autumn day. We even found a "money tree" (see above). Yes, we kept it. Who says a hobby doesn't pay you back!?
We even saw our first frog!
My Little Tree
Last year when we were staying at a house, I was out doing some yard work and noticed a little sapling. I put it in a pot and prayed. Last fall, after the leaves fell off I thought it was just a stick in some dirt. The leaves started changing I got this photo (see below).
I checked my little stick many, many times throughout the winter to make sure that it was still alive. It was still bending, so I knew it would be ok. It was my first time with a plant, so what was I to know? But this last spring some little leaves started to sprout!
I was so happy to see my little tree had made it! By June, the first 5 leaves were big and full- but the little tree was still growing!
I checked my little stick many, many times throughout the winter to make sure that it was still alive. It was still bending, so I knew it would be ok. It was my first time with a plant, so what was I to know? But this last spring some little leaves started to sprout!
I was so happy to see my little tree had made it! By June, the first 5 leaves were big and full- but the little tree was still growing!
Look at it now!! This was taken 11-4-12. I noticed the leaves were starting to change fall colors! Notice that there is now a second tier of leaves?! I don't have a photo from the previous photo until now (downside of moving in July). There are a whopping 10 leaves this fall! I'm excited to see how much more this little tree will grow next year.
I'm THANKful for (Part 2)
It's that time of year! Here are my THANKfuls for 2012:
November 1: I am thankful for a wonderful family who loves and tries their best to support me and my husband through all of our crazy decisions!!
November 2: I am thankful for a husband who supports, loves and protects me. He has sincerely been placed on this Earth just for me when I needed him to be there most. I can't wait to be sealed to him for Eternity.
November 3: Today I am thankful for an amazing, kind, beautiful, smart daughter. Having secondary infertility and dealing with that the last 4 years is making me appreciate Heavenly Father's gift to me. I love looking at the picture of her on my desk every day and being reminded of just how blessed I am to be her mom. I may not see her every single day, but I wil forever and ever be her MOM! She is the sunshine in my very grey and cloudy life. I love her more than I will ever, ever be able to tell her.
November 4: Today I am thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am thankful for all the friends I have gained throughout the years because of this amazing church. I am thankful for the testimony of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.
November 5: Today I am thankful for my amazing job. It may be boring at times (I'm an expert and counting to 50!), but it pays the bills, keeps food in our mouths, and football on the TV.
November 6: (Election Day) Today I am thankful to live in a country where I can speak my opinion and not be shot for standing for what I believe in. Team Obama 2012.
November 7: I am thankful for technology. Having family live 1500 miles away isn't always easy. Also having a daughter live 4 hours away makes it hard to just go see her whenever I want. I cherish the phone calls every week and the Skype phone calls with my sister and family.
November 8: I am thankful for amazing friends that have been there with me throughout the years. For the friends that laugh at me and with me. For the friends that lifted me up when I was down and kept life real. I love you all and am so proud to call you a friend!
November 9: I am thankful for a fantastic Mother-in-law! I can't imagine how we would have gotten through the last 2 years without her help!!
November 10: I am thankful for all the little ones in my life. I love all the hugs and the kisses and the, "I missed you SO much! It's been FOREVER since I saw you!" that I get from them.
November 11: (Veteran's Day) I am more than thankful for all service men and women serving in all branches of the military.
November 12: I am thankful to live in Portland, OR!! I am thankful for the green and beauty around me all year long. I'm thankful for the stupid drivers that can't seem to go above the speed limit and make me feel like I'm going super fast (doing 60 in a 55.. wheeee)!
November 1: I am thankful for a wonderful family who loves and tries their best to support me and my husband through all of our crazy decisions!!
November 2: I am thankful for a husband who supports, loves and protects me. He has sincerely been placed on this Earth just for me when I needed him to be there most. I can't wait to be sealed to him for Eternity.
November 3: Today I am thankful for an amazing, kind, beautiful, smart daughter. Having secondary infertility and dealing with that the last 4 years is making me appreciate Heavenly Father's gift to me. I love looking at the picture of her on my desk every day and being reminded of just how blessed I am to be her mom. I may not see her every single day, but I wil forever and ever be her MOM! She is the sunshine in my very grey and cloudy life. I love her more than I will ever, ever be able to tell her.
November 4: Today I am thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am thankful for all the friends I have gained throughout the years because of this amazing church. I am thankful for the testimony of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.
November 5: Today I am thankful for my amazing job. It may be boring at times (I'm an expert and counting to 50!), but it pays the bills, keeps food in our mouths, and football on the TV.
November 6: (Election Day) Today I am thankful to live in a country where I can speak my opinion and not be shot for standing for what I believe in. Team Obama 2012.
November 7: I am thankful for technology. Having family live 1500 miles away isn't always easy. Also having a daughter live 4 hours away makes it hard to just go see her whenever I want. I cherish the phone calls every week and the Skype phone calls with my sister and family.
November 8: I am thankful for amazing friends that have been there with me throughout the years. For the friends that laugh at me and with me. For the friends that lifted me up when I was down and kept life real. I love you all and am so proud to call you a friend!
November 9: I am thankful for a fantastic Mother-in-law! I can't imagine how we would have gotten through the last 2 years without her help!!
November 10: I am thankful for all the little ones in my life. I love all the hugs and the kisses and the, "I missed you SO much! It's been FOREVER since I saw you!" that I get from them.
November 11: (Veteran's Day) I am more than thankful for all service men and women serving in all branches of the military.
November 12: I am thankful to live in Portland, OR!! I am thankful for the green and beauty around me all year long. I'm thankful for the stupid drivers that can't seem to go above the speed limit and make me feel like I'm going super fast (doing 60 in a 55.. wheeee)!
November 13: (stealing this from a friend) I am thankful for a FREE Tri-Met pass. I am not a fan of riding the bus every morning except for the fact that it is free and I get to read a book, check email or check facebook in those 20 minutes before and after work.
November 14: I am thankful for a reliable vehicle (that we can afford). I am hearing all day today about coworkers who can't trust their vehicles and so on. I know ours is due for some work, like the 30,000 check up, but its an amazing little car!
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