About Me

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Portland, OR, United States
Read my blogs and learn a little more about me!



Hormones and Holidays

What a crappy week to get PMS! I have something going on every single night for the past few weeks and I am getting so worn out. Babysitting my favorite munchkins, buying Christmas gifts for our kids and family, and gifts for the boss. My apartment is a mess, laundry is piling up.. AH!!!!!

I am stretching myself thin helping everyone else that it's beginning to take it's toll on me. I just want to sit down at night and do NOTHING! Instead, I will go to a friend's house to watch her cats while they are gone, put dinner in the oven, buy the last of the gifts for the boss, babysit until 9pm, come home, wrap gifts, and crash in bed. Thank goodness for a husband that helps out! I'm leaving him with gift wrapping for our "End of the World" party tomorrow night.

Looking forward to Christmas being over, the New Year to be here and a change in the crazy.

First resolution for 2013- ME FIRST!!!


Miller Christmas Time

Last week I attended a Christmas party at church. The topic of traditions came up and I realized that I was stumped. I couldn't think of traditions we had when I was a child.

After we got home, I was talking with my husband about it and realized I may not remember the traditions when we were a kid too well, but I do remember as we got older. Here they are:

Christmas Eve:
- Read Luke 2 (we would act out the story when we were little)
- Open one present (usually the biggest and as we got older, it turned into new jammies for Christmas Morning)
- Drive around and see Christmas lights while listening to carols in the car

Christmas Morning:
- My job to sort out the stockings into everyone's "spot"
- We were allowed to ONLY open our stockings and in them were candy, an orange and a small box of cereal. As we got older, they included scratch tickets and a toothbrush.
- We had to wait until mom and dad were awake, but meanwhile I would sort out all the presents into people's "spots" for them to open
- Once everyone is up and presentable, we start with everyone opening one present and going in a circle. This lasts until someone runs out (usually my mom or dad) and then it was a free for all.
- After gifts are open, we would start a fire and burn all the wrapping paper. This was the one time a year the fire place was ever used.

I really, really look forward to Christmas every year but with family spread out (sister going to Africa, us in Oregon, another sibling in Arizona, etc) it's not feeling too much like Christmas. We don't have kids to wake up with or see all happy in the morning. It's kind of depressing really.

We will keep up some of the traditions to a point. I still like to go see lights on Christmas Eve and pick out one gift to open. There are always new jammies under the tree to wear Christmas morning.


In the knick of time...

Yesterday we both got home around 4. I went to open the freezer to get stuff out for dinner and saw red liquid all over the bottom shelf. I looked and saw all my meat was slightly thawed.

I realized it was the popsicles that were in the door and they were completely liquid. I opened the refridgerator and everything was slightly warm, but still cold. I called our front office and all I got was the run around. I chatted with my husband and then called back. This time I got ahold of someone new. I was told that maintenance was going to be leaving at 4:30 and a work order needed to be signed. So, as the good wife I am, I made B put on his shoes and RUN to the front office.

We were able to get someone over right away. It ended up that a clip was out. Just a quick snap and we were back in business!!

Hooray for a nagging wife to get things done!