Happy St. Patty's! What a busy day, but boring too. Drove 35 miles to pick up a free desk we found off Craigslist. Then drove to Vancouver, WA to get our mail. Then to IKEA to wander around.
All in all, a productive day.
Pictures are Uploaded
I'm not a great photographer by any means. I find pictures that I like and I take them. I love upclose shots that require using Macro. I love the details on the smallest thing. I uploaded a few onto my Flickr account today. Something I haven't done for a while.
I love living up here again in Portland. I look forward to more adventures, getting to know Oregon and Washington more. I love capturing these moments and memories. I just my little Fuji digital camera. Nothing fancy. Take a peek and enjoy!
I love living up here again in Portland. I look forward to more adventures, getting to know Oregon and Washington more. I love capturing these moments and memories. I just my little Fuji digital camera. Nothing fancy. Take a peek and enjoy!
Sickness Sucks
I hate being sick. I don't get knock out pneumonia or anything like that. Just a head cold. Stuffed up, sore throat.. the usual. I get it once a year, so it was doomed to be here at some point. I thought I was in the clear once Ben had gotten rid of it and I wasn't sick right after. Oh well. My turn.
I had two interviews for a part-time nanny last week. Got turned down for one. I sent an email asking, "Why wasn't I chosen?" Somewhat out of a chance to improve for future jobs. I got along great with the family, and my skills are pretty good... their loss.
Ok, time to turn off the computer, put on jammies and go to bed.
I had two interviews for a part-time nanny last week. Got turned down for one. I sent an email asking, "Why wasn't I chosen?" Somewhat out of a chance to improve for future jobs. I got along great with the family, and my skills are pretty good... their loss.
Ok, time to turn off the computer, put on jammies and go to bed.
First Love
I got the best phone call! My daughter's step-mom, Trish, gave me a call while I was out looking for paint. Her first words were, "I thought you should get in on this." I figured it had something to do with Kira but boy was I in for a cute surprise!
Kira supposedly has a little boyfriend (keep in mind she is in the 3rd grade). Well, today her boyfriend's older sister called and asked to speak to Kira. It was the little man having his big sister call! He's called a few times today and have talked. It is so cute! I still can't believe she is almost 9! I feel like I am missing out on so much not having her in my life everyday, but she has Trish who keeps me up to date on everything. I get to go see her on April 9th, and it can't come soon enough!! I love just spending time with her!
Kira supposedly has a little boyfriend (keep in mind she is in the 3rd grade). Well, today her boyfriend's older sister called and asked to speak to Kira. It was the little man having his big sister call! He's called a few times today and have talked. It is so cute! I still can't believe she is almost 9! I feel like I am missing out on so much not having her in my life everyday, but she has Trish who keeps me up to date on everything. I get to go see her on April 9th, and it can't come soon enough!! I love just spending time with her!
I wanted to take a moment and write down my thoughts on blessings. I never get a chance to truly express how I am feeling when the blessings in my life are exposed to my knowledge.
Ben and I have been through a lot since we first started dating. We have seen some very, very good times and we have also see some very hard times. I have hit "bottom" in my life several times. It always seems to continue to be ok. The famous poem about "The Footprints" comes to mind. Especially the line,
"The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child,
Life has been very trying as of late. But as soon as I kneel down in prayer and ask, "What do you have planned for me now?" Something amazing comes up. Example is our move out here the first time, in June of 2010. It seemed like we were so stupid to come out here. We had good jobs, family, and were finally stable financially. The Lord was surely blessing us. Then I kept having the thought that Denver wasn't where we were supposed to be. The thought of moving out to Portland had been in my mind for sometime. I had just brushed it off for a long time. And then my daughter's step-mom had started to mention that if I was closer we could have visits where I come to their home and cook with Kira. (Her step-mom is an amazing cook). I again knelt in prayer and asked what to do.
As soon as we started looking into moving, things seemed to start falling into place. Ben had been in an accident in August of 2009 and the insurance payment/settlement came in the mail. Then we started at looking at where to live. We found an amazing apartment for very little move-in costs in a great area. We agreed and gave our apartment management our 30 day notice. The move up was just as smooth. Once we moved to Vancouver, Ben accepted a fantastic job offer and I shortly followed with a great job of my own. We were doing very well and doing our best with what was given to us.
About 5 weeks after I started my job, Ben dropped to one day of work per week. I suddenly lost my job and the doubt and resentment of leaving Denver kicked in. We did our best and were able to live there for another few weeks before we were forced to move back to Denver.
We felt defeated and questioning why we went to Portland in the first place. We have since then begun to see the blessings of the initial move to Portland. In the short time we were there, we were able to make some amazing friendships with some very amazing people. Without those friendships, the move back out would have been impossible. When Ben recieved the call last month and was offered the full-time position, we first needed to figure out living arrangements. We had very little in savings and knew that it would take about 6 weeks before we could move into our new place. Our dear friends here in Portland stepped up big time. We have always had a place to stay, food in our bellies. We have made some deep friendships and know that Heavenly Father has the best for us in mind.
Driving around I am constantly reminded of the blessings in my life. I have a loving and supportive husband. I have a roof over my head. I have the most beautiful and smartest daughter. And above all, I have a loving Heavenly Father who watches over me and protects me daily. My love will never be able to be put into words. My love for Him.
"Count your many blessings, name them one by one... and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.."
Ben and I have been through a lot since we first started dating. We have seen some very, very good times and we have also see some very hard times. I have hit "bottom" in my life several times. It always seems to continue to be ok. The famous poem about "The Footprints" comes to mind. Especially the line,
"The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child,
I love you and I would never, never leave you
during your times of trial and suffering.
"When you saw only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
Life has been very trying as of late. But as soon as I kneel down in prayer and ask, "What do you have planned for me now?" Something amazing comes up. Example is our move out here the first time, in June of 2010. It seemed like we were so stupid to come out here. We had good jobs, family, and were finally stable financially. The Lord was surely blessing us. Then I kept having the thought that Denver wasn't where we were supposed to be. The thought of moving out to Portland had been in my mind for sometime. I had just brushed it off for a long time. And then my daughter's step-mom had started to mention that if I was closer we could have visits where I come to their home and cook with Kira. (Her step-mom is an amazing cook). I again knelt in prayer and asked what to do.As soon as we started looking into moving, things seemed to start falling into place. Ben had been in an accident in August of 2009 and the insurance payment/settlement came in the mail. Then we started at looking at where to live. We found an amazing apartment for very little move-in costs in a great area. We agreed and gave our apartment management our 30 day notice. The move up was just as smooth. Once we moved to Vancouver, Ben accepted a fantastic job offer and I shortly followed with a great job of my own. We were doing very well and doing our best with what was given to us.
About 5 weeks after I started my job, Ben dropped to one day of work per week. I suddenly lost my job and the doubt and resentment of leaving Denver kicked in. We did our best and were able to live there for another few weeks before we were forced to move back to Denver.
We felt defeated and questioning why we went to Portland in the first place. We have since then begun to see the blessings of the initial move to Portland. In the short time we were there, we were able to make some amazing friendships with some very amazing people. Without those friendships, the move back out would have been impossible. When Ben recieved the call last month and was offered the full-time position, we first needed to figure out living arrangements. We had very little in savings and knew that it would take about 6 weeks before we could move into our new place. Our dear friends here in Portland stepped up big time. We have always had a place to stay, food in our bellies. We have made some deep friendships and know that Heavenly Father has the best for us in mind.
Driving around I am constantly reminded of the blessings in my life. I have a loving and supportive husband. I have a roof over my head. I have the most beautiful and smartest daughter. And above all, I have a loving Heavenly Father who watches over me and protects me daily. My love will never be able to be put into words. My love for Him.
"Count your many blessings, name them one by one... and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.."
Where was I....

Wow. Time to update this thing. There has been a LOT going on since I last was on here. Here are the main things just to get up to date (so I can start updating more).
Moved to a new apartment in Greenwood Village, CO.
Moved to Vancouver, WA in search of something better. (June 2010)
Moved back to Denver after something better didn't happen. (Nov 2010)
Moved back to Beaverton, OR after Ben was offered a full-time position at the hospital he was currently at. (Feb 2011)
Lots of moving. And that was all since Feb 2010! But, we are DONE moving for a while. We have a very large apartment. Ben is secure in his job. We plan on offering one of the rooms to a short-term renter to help with extra cash/rent. Move in date is March 19. We moved back to Beaverton a month before that. We have been couch surfing until we can get moved in. It's been kind of a pain moving to a new place every week, but we have such supportive friends that have really helped us out.
Other than moving, not a whole lot has been happening. We are very excited to be back in Portland. We already have a trip planned to Seattle on March 21st (my cousin and family will be here- good excuse for a trip up there!) and a trip to Kennewick to see Kira April 9th. Living closer to her has been amazing. We have had a few visits since we first moved here in June. I love only being a few hours drive away. Ben has made a few friends in Kennewick, so while I am out with Kira "the boys" keep Ben safe and out of trouble.
Photos and Facebook have been keeping you updated. I will be better about getting on here. I haven't used it in so long I forgot which email account I used! I don't work right now (looking for part-time work as a nanny), so I will have time to say something or add pictures.
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