Wow. Time to update this thing. There has been a LOT going on since I last was on here. Here are the main things just to get up to date (so I can start updating more).
Moved to a new apartment in Greenwood Village, CO.
Moved to Vancouver, WA in search of something better. (June 2010)
Moved back to Denver after something better didn't happen. (Nov 2010)
Moved back to Beaverton, OR after Ben was offered a full-time position at the hospital he was currently at. (Feb 2011)
Lots of moving. And that was all since Feb 2010! But, we are DONE moving for a while. We have a very large apartment. Ben is secure in his job. We plan on offering one of the rooms to a short-term renter to help with extra cash/rent. Move in date is March 19. We moved back to Beaverton a month before that. We have been couch surfing until we can get moved in. It's been kind of a pain moving to a new place every week, but we have such supportive friends that have really helped us out.
Other than moving, not a whole lot has been happening. We are very excited to be back in Portland. We already have a trip planned to Seattle on March 21st (my cousin and family will be here- good excuse for a trip up there!) and a trip to Kennewick to see Kira April 9th. Living closer to her has been amazing. We have had a few visits since we first moved here in June. I love only being a few hours drive away. Ben has made a few friends in Kennewick, so while I am out with Kira "the boys" keep Ben safe and out of trouble.
Photos and Facebook have been keeping you updated. I will be better about getting on here. I haven't used it in so long I forgot which email account I used! I don't work right now (looking for part-time work as a nanny), so I will have time to say something or add pictures.
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