Since the move back, finding someone to do something with (while Ben is at work) is hard. I don't have friends to just go do things with here. I'm making up for that this weekend! Gonna spend Friday playing around Portland before heading off to Kennewick. Going to watch Kira play soccer Saturday morning, have lunch, hang with some friends and then head back to Portland for a friend's CD release. Head to the Coast Sunday before letting her head back Sunday night. I can't wait!
Life is otherwise, pretty boring. We do have a dining table now! No chairs though...
******* UPDATE**********
That ended up being the best weekend EVER! Ben and I went to the airport and picked up my sister, Rachel. While waiting for her luggage and talking about what's going on in her life, I heard a loud "SARAH!". I turned to see my other sister, Rebekah!!! I screamed then ran and hugged and cried. What a fantastic surprise!! Not even Ben knew about it!

We grabbed the rental (a 2011 Ford Escape very nice) and headed to my house (mini tour of Portland). Rachel and Bekah went and got pediures (while Ben and I waited). Then to my house to grab my things and headed to Kennewick.
Rachel had made plans to me

The next morning we went to Kira's soccer game and got a chance to play around with her after the game. That was so much fun!
We visited our dear friend, Pam Halgren and then headed back to Portland to do a little shopping before heading out to my friend's CD release show. We got back, got ready and were running a little late.

Sunday morning we woke up early and headed out to Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast. Made a stop for some yummy clam chowder and then went walking along in the sand. What a cold, windy day

We then headed back to Portland and headed out to the airport. Very glad that we went to the airport early- Rachel thought the plane left at 7:30... it was set to take off at 6:20! We had gotten to the airport at 5:30, just in time!!
What a fantastic weekend! I miss my sisters like crazy, but I was so worn out afterwards! Even though I don't see us moving back to Denver, I do miss it a little. We are hoping to get out that way sometime this summer, if schedules allow. Ben needs to go to New Mexico to see his son. I want to make a trip to Alaska to see two of my dearest friends, Nikki and Shelly Jasper. Who knows!
And yes, we finally got dining room chairs. We even have a "desk" for the computer printer! Time to start the search for our own place. More on that later!
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