I got a call from someone whom, when I interviewed, I never thought I would hear from. And now I work for him and his wife watching their two beautiful daughters.
**Out of respect, I will not post details of the family's life on this blog for their privacy.**

In September, there will be a newborn in the mix! They find out the sex of the baby tomorrow- we are all hoping boy!
I've been blessed this time. I work about 2-3 days per week, which allows me to see Ben in the mornings of the days I have off. I never will work a weekend (unless it's for a date night), which is a bonus. They are very respectful of my time and if the dad is even 10 min late coming home, he does send a text letting me know how much longer he has on his commute. Our days are filled with laughter, Teddy Grahams and lots and lots of bubbles! I already know I won't be with this family for long term. They do plan on moving to Bend, OR to be closer to family. But, they don't see that happening too soon since the economy isn't so great and job availability is slim. Until then, going to count my blessings, enjoy every moment I can and love life even more!
** 05.23.11 Update **
It's a boy!! When Ben asked the oldest what she wants to name him, her response was, "We can't name him until he gets here." I just laughed.
Also, they took their house off the market- no moving! Yay!
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