This is what Eddie looked like when we adopted him from Oregon Humane Society 6 weeks ago. We went in that day just to look and get our doggy fix. We wandered through all of the kennels ooohing and aaaahing over all of the fantastic dogs up for adoption. We had seen "Rags" and we very, very interested (especially since he's a cocker spaniel- my favorite breed) in adopting him. The biggest test was if him and Elway got along. So, we did the meet and greet with Elway and they didn't fight- we called that success!

We adopted him then and there. We renamed him Eddie, after Eddie Royal from the Denver Broncos. Eddie and Elway became instant buddies. The first thing we did when we got home, was cut off most of that long, matted hair! I don't think he had been groomed in several months and it was showing! We had to wait to get him into the groomer, so I grabbed some scissors and a bag and went at it.
Once I finally did get the chance, I took him to PetSmart and told the girl to "shave him naked". He had quite a few scars from the matts, and getting his hair shaved short would help in us being able to see them and care for them. So, he went naked! I happened to have the girls that day and all the 4 year-old would ask was, "Is Eddie going to be naked?" She was so excited to go pick him up and see him!

He's due now for his next trim, and I can't wait!
Having him in our home has been a struggle at times (he's a barker, and Elway isn't) but we are so happy we have him as a part of our home! I look forward to our adventures and being able to teach him tricks! He's gotten "sit" down pretty good.
To see more pictures of Eddie and Elway, go to:
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