Husband was given notice that the position he is in is going away, but they offer to pay for his schooling of he chooses option B. Per his boss, he "makes too much money". They are cutting down hours, which means that nice raise I just got makes up for the hours he won't have.
So here we are. He is applying all over for jobs (both in Portland and Vancouver), and I am working, praying, and supporting him.
I think the hardest part is not allowing his negative past to keep him down. All his life he was told by his father or his ex-wife what a " failure" he is/was. All I see is a man that is determined to do the best he can, and he does amazing at it. His skills are amazing, but he doesn't see that. He fell just shy of finishing his degree 10 years ago, and now the credits aren't counting.
Decisions need to be made. Our lease is up in October and we know we will be moving..again. We need something smaller, and easier to live in if we end up with one income. We aren't having kids, so a small one bedroom will be what we got back to. We have to be realistic and accept life as it comes. We have been through harder times and made it through. I have an amazing and stable job, so no worries there.
The search to finish school is a hard one. It's a lot of money and a lot of insecurity on our part. Do we move to Idaho and finish there? Or to Provo, UT and finish there? Do we stay in Portland and finish, but for twice the cost? Can we afford to move? If we do move, how do we get the money to move, and where do we stay?
The search for a new job is hard too. Does he stay, get his certification and do something he hates? Does he look and possibly not find anything (he will, there is no worries from me)? If he looks, where to look?
It's time to pray, and pray earnestly. It's time to give 100% faith to God now. To know that what he has planned for us is good, and will work out. It's time to atop all the negative and reemphasize the positive. It's the time to take a new look at life and say, "Where do we want to go and how do we get there?"
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