My sisters are AWESOME!!!! Not just in that "I have to say it" way, but they truly are. I love being with them. Sure we bitch about each other behind backs, but what is love without honesty- even if it isn't to your face?!

It's the hugs I miss the most. I miss those sincere, don't-want-to-let-go hugs. I haven't had one in a while (outside of my husband) since my sisters came up in April. That's a long time!
I'm looking forward to life finally settling and being a little more consistent. Financially, emotionally and otherwise. I know that moment will come. And when it does- I look forward to sitting with my sisters and just talking crap about people behind their backs. It's what we do, don't judge us!
So this is for you, Rachel and Bekah Boo:
I love you guys more than I will ever be able to say in words or in actions. I love you for who you have become and who you are yet to be. I am so glad Heavenly Father chose you to be my sisters for Eternity. You have both grown into amazing women and I have been honored to be able to call you my sister. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. Thank you for listening to me bitch and whine. Thank you for sticking by me those horrible four years (you know which ones) while I was stuck inside my bubble. Thanks for being true to yourselves and sticking up for what you believe. Thank you, above all, for loving me.
I'm so excited to see where life takes you. Through marriage (the good and the bad times), through your children and through all the small trials and challenges that we will all face. Please know that I am here for you no matter what. I will never ever judge you. I have been there,

So, until the next time we can laugh and hug- know that I pray for your happiness every single night. Even though I can't be there physically, I am there in thought. I love you so very much.
Forever and always, Sarah
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