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Portland, OR, United States
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Our Christmas Letter 2009

Fortitude and French Fries
The 1st Annual Gallegos Family Newsletter
Vol. 00110001

We could not be happier to see this year come to an end. Excluding the good parts, it was a pretty bad year. To start the year off we saw the end of Communism as we know it, found out Superman is a fraud, and were forced to live on glass and angel food cake through July in a padded basement. In early April a dingo ate the baby.
May 22nd we celebrated our misfortune and lack of creative problem solving by eloping in Durango, CO. It was a beautiful wedding that received Chuck Norris’ thumbs up. Afterward, we spent our honeymoon in the ceremonial running of the Zombies, and hunting cod in the cold north Atlantic seas. That was until we were boarded by a lovely band of pirates, who forced us to play Shuffleboard and Yahtzee. After walking the plank 4 days later, we caught a ride on a local trash freighter back into New York City and hitchhiked back to Denver to start our lives together.
We spent much of our summer learning that the world isn’t what we thought it would be in our pre-mortal lives. The toughest days came shortly after we learned neither of us is the heir to the Narnian throne. After expecting to inherit the kingdom we’ve accepted we’ll have to settle for a robust 401(K) and leftover lottery winnings. After that, not getting a golden ticket, or getting picked for Survivor-Orlando left no more than a residual bad taste in our mouths.
Fortunately for us, Ben finally got his lazy butt off the couch and found a character building job as a taste tester for Clorox. Shortly after, Sarah lost her job at the strip club and is now desperately seeking more demeaning employment. With any luck Rico will find her a good corner that’s close to home.
So, that about sums up our crazy year. Nothing more could have gone wrong this year, except maybe learning one of us is a minority. After suffering through 2009 we both look forward to 2010, the year of Polka, Pixies and Poltergeists.

First Day of Winter- and it's 50 out!

I live in Colorado where there should be a few feet of snow on the ground a Christmas time. But no, it is a high of 47 today and I am in a short sleeved shirt. They are saying we will have a white Christmas- I doubt it. Actually, I hope not. I have to drive to my parents' house Christmas Eve and then again Christmas morning. It's only a 20 minute drive, but Coloradans can't drive in snow.

Either way- it's time to mail out the Christmas cards (which I may say turned out really good), make the goodies (gonna do that tomorrow) and spend money you don't have on people you don't really know (like the mail lady or your personal trainer).
My favorite part- the days after Christmas! It's when I do all of my decoration shopping for the next year. I'm hoping to get a pre-lit tree and a new tree skirt this year. Wish me luck!


What a month!!

Time to update this thing.

Just to recap the last month. We have moved to Englewood, CO into the cutest little apartment. Unfortunately, the walls are thin and we've already had issues with a loud tv directly below where we sleep. We have met a couple of the neighbors and really don't mind it here. The location is good and having friends over is more frequent. Not the dream I originally thought, but still better than the last place overall.

The new ward that we are in is amazing. It's a lot of younger people who are just starting out in life like us. There are a couple that I know from my old YSA ward in Parker, and a few that Ben knows too! Our bishop is amazing and very supportive. He even had me and Ben give talks this last Sunday! Mine was on "Hymns" and Ben's was on "The Priesthood in the Home". I haven't given a talk in over 15 years, and was rather excited to do it.

What a dream life right now. Married me a wonderful man, I am back in church, we have goals of going to the temple. Other than the fact that I can't get a full-time job, things are ok.

I was going to write more, but since this is now going to be a daily thing (as suggested by my bishop), I'll keep today's short.

Bottom line, life is good. Very good. Busy, busy week ahead!


I love Fall!

Here are a few of the things I love about this time of year.

Pumpkin Hunting

Pumpkin Carving

Susan G. Koman
Race for the Cure
(done with my sister every year)


Prayers ARE Answered!

The last 24 hours have been... exciting, sad, enjoyable and overall- amazing!!

As of 2 days ago we were set to move into a HOUSE! Ben and I can't buy a house right now, but we have been looking into the possibility of renting. An amazing opportunity came up and a friend of mine just happened to have one to rent. It was in a perfect location (1.3 miles to my work), a great neighborhood, a walk from downtown Denver... just a dream.

Well, dreams are just that- dreams! This morning I got a call from my friend telling me that we were turned down for the house. HELLO! We are supposed to be moving in 2 weeks!!

Last month we were looking at apartments near where my sister lives. We had found one very similar to what we have now, but with a 2nd bedroom. Just what we wanted. We had already done the applications and put a hold on a place. Well, we found the house and bailed. When I got that call about not getting the house my first thought was, "What about The Marks?"

I called up the complex and had them look up our file. We were good to go! Just had to put down a hold amount (since we had taken it back before). So we did. I called up my friend, got my $100 back and used it to hold the apartment. When we got to the apartment, we ended up picking out the exact apartment that we were going to be in originally anyway!! On top of it, about $900 in fees were being waived!!

This isn't just luck. This was proof that our faith and prayers were noticed. Last night had been such a hard time emotionally for both of us. Our future wasn't certain, we were worried about where to get the money we needed to move- and then this! Our move-in costs are less than what we would owe for one month's rent!

I am getting down on my knees tonight and thanking my Heavenly Father for this. Nothing happens because of fate. It happens because we have taken the steps necessary to get us to the point that we are meant to be at.


We're moving up in the world.. finally!

We got the news that we will for sure be moving to a HOUSE soon!! Ben and I have been saying our prayers and doing what we can to get to this place. We were doomed to live in an apartment again, but I think we'll be making it good.

We move in next month and I can't wait to have more room!! We're in a small (780 sq. ft.) one bedroom apartment now. The new house is a two bedroom place. Only one bath, but since it's just the two of us right now, I think we'll be fine. The kitchen is huge and I can't wait to get in and make it mine.

We got the go ahead to paint and I'm already picking out colors (Valspar's Coconut Milk). Room to have friends over finally! No more desk in the bedroom!!

I'll keep you posted and get pictures up as soon as I can.

Wish us luck!


Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Boredom

Boredom kicked in tonight. So, I made cookies.
Keep in mind that this is the second night in a row that I've made cookies. Last night I made them because I kind of "had" to. Ben needed to bring something for the potluck at work. I love making cookies- so I made some.
But then I saw that I still had a half package of chocolate chips left and I started to "snack" on them while watching the season opener of Grey's Anatomy. I realized- I should make cookies.
And not just ANY cookie, but my mom's moist and delicious Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies. Well, technically they are someone else's recipe (thank you Teri Miller). Oh well. I'm doing really good at only eating ONE. That's right- ONE!
To keep myself from eating most of them, I'll take some to work and to the new apartment complex. (What? I have to woo people somehow and get what I want, right?)
So now my apartment smells of pumpkin, nutmeg and cinnamon- I love it!


Life is grand at times.

I realized I haven't been on here for a while. Time to update.

I still take care of one of the cutest kids (besides my own). She turns 6 months in a couple of days and is a joy to watch. She rolls, coos, sucks on everything. I love it!!

Ben and I recently took a spontaneous trip to Grand Junction, CO to see Ben's sister, Michelle, and her 2 kids. I love her!! It was a much needed trip as well. Ben hadn't seen her in about 10 years- so the reunion was the best.
Ben is looking at working for Denver Health in downtown Denver starting September 14th. We look forward to having a full-time paycheck (we both work part-time). We'll be moving in November when our lease is up and still in limbo on what the next step is. We are looking at either renting a house or moving in with my parents. We are both done with apartment living and look forward to being out of here.
That's all the news for now that I am willing to share. Until next time...


Wedding Pictures are here!!!

It's been sometime coming- but a couple of the pictures are here!!

<---- The Family (his mom and son, my parents)

My dad walking me down the "aisle":

Our first pictures together:

My grandma ROCKS!! I was so happy she could be there!!


I never, ever want twins!

So, I started to watch Nola when she was 7 weeks old. She's a doll!! She sleeps all day, is smiling when she is awake! I love it!

Something has changed this week. I now watch another little girl- Sadie. I only watch her 10 hours a week, but those are the longest 10 hours of my week. This kid is whiney, and it's so... annoying. She sleeps for 2 hours a day, so that's not bad. And she is a very active 9 month old. It's kind of nice that Sadie and Nola are on different sleep schedules. Nola goes down for a nap just before Sadie is dropped off- smart kid! By the time it's Sadie's turn to go down for her nap, Nola is up and ready to eat.

I guess it's not as bad as I thought.. could be worse! They could both need my attention at the same time. That day will come, and I'm not looking forward to it! Ugh!


I'm a Newlywed!!

We did it! Ben and I ran off to Durango, CO and eloped! We had 15 of our family members there to share with us. Ironically, it's the one weekend for the past month that it rained the entire time! Rain on Memorial Day weekend!! Who'd have thunk?
Everything turned out pretty close to perfect. My dress was actually a little big, the flowers weren't the pink bouquet I originally pictured. I actually called the florist a few days before to order a bouquet. I forgot that it was a small town (Farmington, NM). The lady just happened to have an extra order of white roses- so I took them! It was a bouquet of white roses, green kermits and pink ribbon. It turned out much better than I thought:

My brother, John, was married the Saturday before in Virginia Beach- so my Grandma Clark (my mom's mom) was in town. She delayed her flight a week so that she would be able to come! I was happy to have a wedding that family could be at. My first wedding, it was just me and the groom. I don't recommend it that way.

In Colorado, you are able to solemnize your own marriage- so that's what we did! We went to the courthouse on Wednesday morning and got the paperwork (only $10!!) to do it. I loved being about to do our own vows, and make it personal. It made it a little chaotic, but that's ok.
I can't wait to get pictures back from the wedding to show you. Until then, a picture from our honeymoon in Albuquerque (my new boss paid for 2 free nights at the Hilton- executive floor!).


I'm Getting MARRIED!!!!

It's a little last minute- but why not? We told family a couple of days ago. My brother John is getting married this weekend in VA, so my family will be gone all weekend. I'm planning 90% of this on my own. No bridesmaids. Nothing formal. Heck, I got my dress for $40 on eBay! I get it this Friday. I've never tried it on, not entirely sure if it'll even fit! Oh well.

I bought Ben's ring on eBay too! We knew what he wanted, just had to get it. It's very similar to mine:


A much needed UPDATE!

I've come to realize that this is needing an update! I'm a year older, quit one job and am now living life the way that I want to!!

My 29th birthday was on the 16th. I took the day and did things that I had wanted to do.
First, I went for a road trip near Boulder and managed to find every single muddy road and got the car dirty:
While up near Boulder, managed to go to the Celestial Seasonings
Factory and went for a tour. BORING!!

The necessities for a good rainy day drive:

cell phone and soda. What else is there?

That same day, I signed my contract with the couple I now nanny for. They knew it was my birthday and bought me chocolates and a rose bush! How nice was that??
For dinner, Ben and I went to Gunther Toody's with my parents and my sister, Rachel. Good food, but not my favorite. They did bring me my "birthday cake".

That's pretty much my day in a nutshell! I had a blast!! It rained the entire day (then dumped a few feet of snow that weekend), but I loved it!! I can't wait until I turn 30!!
More on my nanny job (and the adorable 7 week old that I watch) in my next post!


The Job of the Jobless

I have discovered that one of the most discouraging things in life is searching for a job, getting an interview and getting turned down.

I now see why men are intimidated on asking women out- the fear of rejection sucks!!

That was my thought for the day. I have 2 interviews for today. I don't have any hope of getting the first job, but wouldn't mind working with the second family.. or am I?


Look out Kennewick- Here I come!

I never thought I would be this excited to be going to Kennewick.. ever.

Well, I just bought a round-trip ticket to Seattle for April 25th and 26th!! (Thanks, Mom) I finally am getting a chance to see Kira- something that time and money have been denying for a while now.

I can't wait to show pictures!


Changes in life have to come from within...

Time to just think. I moved to Dallas in 2007 thanks to some promptings. I loved being there! I was an hour from Kira, I had a fantastic job in the front office doing what I went to school for and became very active in my church. I made some incredible friends and had the best roommate!

I was only there for about 4 months before I decided that I missed home, friends and the guy I was kinda/sorta dating. I decided at Thanksgiving to give my notice and head back to CO after Christmas.

I knew then and there that it wasn't what I was supposed to do. I needed to stay in Texas. I needed to be there and to be apart of the life there. I needed to remain where I was at for longer, but didn't heed to the promptings.

The day before the move, my sister came into town to drive back up with me. I decided to take her around Dallas and show her some of the sites. We went to the mall, ate at the big McDonald's and saw us some good Texas men. On the drive home, a sensor on my car goes out. Luckily, an exit away from the car shop of a guy I had worked with. We towed the car in, got it fixed and went back to my house to start packing.

All night I had this sick feeling that I shouldn't be leaving, but just shrugged it off. The next morning, my sister and I got in my little PT Cruiser and set off for Colorado. We left around 3pm and got into Denver 13 hours later (barely got in.. I drove the whole way). Then the trouble started. I was living with family, but still had bills to pay. I was able to work with my sister as a personal assistant. The lady was a bitch and I left. I landed a temp nanny job and that paid bills for a month. In March, I was starting to panic. I got a prompting to apply at Target- so I did! I was hired on and started 2 weeks later.

I loved that job, but was persistant on finding another nanny job. I had so much fun doing it year before that I knew that was where I wanted to be. In June, I was accepted for a position with a widow and her 3 children. She worked 24 shifts, which meant that I was a live-in nanny. At $1200 a month- why not? I learned around October that I was being taken advantage of. I was not being paid for overtime, and was not being paid for extra duties put onto me. November 15th I gave her my notice that I was to leave at the end of the year. December 26th was my last day. I did get a chance to meet the new nanny, and feel guilty for leaving- but I know it was for the best.

Ever since December I have been struggling to find work. I found work part-time at Home Depot but it isn't at all fullfilling. I don't get enough hours to pay for any bills, but at least it is some money coming in, right? I am now looking for nanny and Medical Billing jobs.

I have had a desire to go back to Texas ever since I left. I just know that there is where I need to be. The hard part for me is that I live in Denver and am applying for jobs in Dallas. I have stated with everyone that I apply for that I can start work in as little as a week. I really don't have a lot of posessions, and can move everything I own in the back of my Vitara.

But I am seeing that I have a problem with that- leaving.. moving. When times get hard, I would rather run away than face my problems. That is happening now. I am in a not so ideal situation and I want to run. I want to escape and use the hope that things will be better as my ammo. I know that I need to stay here in CO and face my issues. I need to find out who I am and step up to the task at hand.

The Storm has stopped..

I woke up this morning to see that the snow had stopped and in it's wake- TONS of snow! The toolbox measured in at just under 10" !! And that's with some of it blown away. My car ended up getting literally buried in. The plow had come through this morning and went AROUND it! (LOL!) I went out with the broom and just started getting as much off as I can before I moved it over to a cleared off spot. I'll be happy when the snow is gone!!

I have found another reason to fuel my drive to move back to Dallas- I hate the cold! I crank the heat up to 75 and just wait for the warmth to take over!! I want to go out and not have to put on 16 layers of clothing just to have my toes frozen!!


I love snow, but this is just crazy!

So, everyone is hearing about the "Spring Blizzard" here in Denver- and it's all true! There is 27" of blown snow behind my car! I took a couple of pictures with my cell phone- so I'm putting those up here. It's supposed to snow another 1-3" ! I still have to go to work in the morning!!

Meanwhile, I'm trying my best to stay warm. Made hot cocoa and oatmeal for breakfast. Homemade Sheperd's Pie for dinner. Can you believe, I didn't pack any warm clothes! I have a light sweater and a fleece jacket, everything else is short sleeved! I did put some snow boots in the back of my car, but that required stepping in knee high snow in my loafers to get them!

(I was able to get a couple of pictures on my camera, but left the cord to put them on the computer at my parents' house! So, I'll get those posted long after the storm is over. LOL!)

<--- This is the toolbox out on the porch. Right now the snow on top measures in at 8.5" (yes, it was measured)!! And that isn't even the wind-blown stuff!


Lazy Monday

What a lazy day. These have become a rarity, so I am more than happy to indulge. Slept in until 10:30, made an "ok" breakfast (mini egg McMuffins), put in my Avon order (due in 4 days, but what the heck). I'm not even putting that much effort into getting dressed or getting off the couch. If not for my DVR, I'd have nothing to watch! There are about 20 movies recorded (not all my choices). Today is a good day to get caught up on those... or not.


Here I go!

I keep seeing everyone and their own "Blogspots" and figured- MY TURN! I have enough going on in my daily life to catch up with everyone that wants to know what me, my family and my daughter are up to!

In the past 10 years life has changed a lot. This June marks the 10 year point of when I first moved away from home. I say first, because I keep going back! I moved to Franktown, CO to nanny for 2 girls. I stayed with that family for 2 years before a lack of communication caused them to hire a new nanny. They were 5 and 7 when I started... and now both are teenagers in high school! I made a lot of mistakes those 2 years trying to figure out myself without family or real friends around.

After my nanny job was over, I decided to move back to Kennewick and just live life. A few months after living there, I met a wonderful man (even though he is a Kennewick High grad) and fell in love. On September 1, 2001 we eloped to Couer D'Alene. Literally, just the two of us and a reverend!

On May 7, 2002 we welcomed our little Ladybug- Kira Elise. She was only 3 days overdue, but weighed in at 9 lbs, 8oz and 22" long!! We moved to Phoenix in 2003 and I really enjoyed the heat! We had a pool in the back yard and with it a hot tub, that we kept cold so that Kira could have her own little pool. We were involved in playgroups, went to the library all the time and just had a blast together. I loved being a stay-at-home mom, and was teased at the joy that it brings!

In 2005, my husband and I decided that it would be best to live life seperate ways and we filed for divorce. He and Kira stayed in AZ and I moved to CO where my parents had just moved. Being back in Colorado was the best thing. I have been here off and on since and LOVE it here. Kira's dad has since remarried and they are now living in Kennewick and run a cattle farm. They have their own daughter together, Ryleigh.

Kira is the BEST big sister. I talk to her once a week, and got to see both of them on webcam tonight. Kira takes such good care of Ryleigh. I love hearing about all that she does, what she is learning in school, what music she listens to.. everything. I hope to make a trip up to WA to see her.

<--- First grade picture- isn't she cute?

As for my family:

A lot is changing this year. BOTH of my brothers are getting married! John and Knicki (who live in Staunton, VA) are getting married in Virginia Beach on May 16th. They plan on visiting CO in August for Brandon's wedding. Brandon and Stephanie will be married in Denver on August 1st. I can't wait to have 2 more sisters!

Bekah is 19 and attending college in Alamosa, CO at Adams State College. She is a freshman there and just loves being there. It's only a 4 hour drive, and comes up to visit as often as she can.
Rachel is.. Rachel. She loves to date and is constantly driving down to Colorado Springs to see friends. She lives in Cherry Hills Village, CO and is a "full-time" nanny. She's been with these kids for almost 5 years now! She loves only working for 3 hours a day and goes to school to get a degree in... well, she isn't sure either!

Mom and dad are doing great as well. They live in Parker, CO. My mom is a substitute teacher for Douglas County schools and loves it. My dad works for Boeing in Aurora and is enjoying it.

Not much else to catch up on. I'll try to do these as often as I can!